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Turning Signs (Obverse)

1·     Beginning: Apocalypse

This introduction was written in January 2025, ten years after the first publication of Turning Signs. It was a time on Planet Earth that seemed apocalyptic, in the sense added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2008: ‘Of, relating to, or characteristic of a disaster resulting in drastic, irreversible damage to human society or the environment, esp. on a global scale; cataclysmic.’ Since you are reading this now, it wasn't quite the “end of the world,” but awareness was growing that the geological epoch known as the Holocene was coming to an end. We were living in the Anthropocene.

By recognizing the Anthropocene, scientists acknowledge that the dominant driver of change within the Earth system is now a single species: Homo sapiens, us. Without doubt, what has happened to our planet in recent decades is absolutely unique in its 4.5 billion-year history.
The Club of Rome, Earth for All (2022, pp. 13-14)

I had vaguely foreseen this in the first chapter of Turning Signs as published in 2015:

Although very little space is given here to the author's biography, placing it in historical context might begin to explain why beginning is here entangled with apocalypse. I was born exactly one month after The Day the World Ended. That was Kurt Vonnegut's name (in his novel Cat's Cradle) for August 6, 1945 – the day when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. So you might say that mine has been a post-apocalyptic life.

40 years later Paul Ehrlich (author of The Population Bomb), speaking at the local university, told us that we humans had a choice: we could render the Earth unfit for human habitation in 50 minutes, by using nuclear weapons; or we could achieve the same result in 50 years by simply carrying on with ‘business as usual,’ that is, with trashing the planet. – Or we could change the way we live.

Skip another score of years, into the 21st century CE, and things have changed, as usual. For one thing, the world has been taken over by alien beings from another dimension – we call them corporations. Meanwhile it's projected that the human population of the planet will peak (at around 10 billion) within this century, and then start to decline. (If it doesn't collapse more suddenly, that is.) I suppose the rest of the biosphere, or whatever is left of it, will breathe a sigh of relief at that point, though i can hardly imagine what the place will be like by then. Indeed it's getting hard to imagine with any confidence what the place will be like next week.

Events since then have mostly confirmed that impression. But the years leading up to 2025 have also been a time of learning about life itself and its deeper habits of meaning. They have been apocalyptic in the original and revelatory sense of the word. Apocalypse (ἀποκάλυψις) is Greek for discovery or revelation. Turning Signs is about the process of semiosis which makes learning and meaning possible at any and every time. It's also about the ecological systems which form the context of human and more-than-human communities. The future of life on this planet will depend on whether humanity can awaken to its distinctive role in the biosphere.
Each kind of organism has its own distinctive functional role in a community's collective adaptation. The distinctive part it plays is that organism's niche. As competition between organisms intensifies, there is a tendency for them to become differentiated in the things they do to the habitat and the demands they make upon it. In short, there is a tendency toward “niche diversification.” Each organism in a community competes principally with the limited number of other organisms within its own niche, not with all other organisms in the habitat. Niche diversification is thus an adaptive response to population pressure. It is through this process that evolution has led to greater and greater community complexity.

… this brings us to the principles most indispensable for understanding the human predicament. A human community, like any other biotic community, is (1) an association of diverse organisms (2) collectively adapted to (3) the conditions of its habitat. Such conditions are not fixed. Habitats change. Adaptive patterns must change in response. Often a particular association of organisms cannot avoid altering the characteristics of its habitat by its very mode of adaptation to it. By unavoidably modifying its habitat in the process of living in it, an association of organisms compels itself to change its own mode of adaptation. In other words, the configuration of niches in a biotic community is not usually static. Community structures change. They change as a result of the community's own impact on its habitat.

— William Catton (1980, 104-105)

Catton's book Overshoot was first published in 1980, but has been mostly overlooked since then, while the human population has roughly doubled, and its impact on its habitat has grown even more explosively. (For a factual summary, see Breaking Boundaries (Rockström and Gaffney 2021), Breaking Together (Bendell 2023) or Escape from Overshoot (Victor 2023).) But if humanity can break its worst habits and learn more wholesome ones, at every level from the personal to the planetary, this apocalypse could be a time to

Next chapter: Dialogue and Human Nature →

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