
The first law of energy is that through all transformations,
it is not created or destroyed, but conserved.
Sometimes it is embodied, sometimes it matters, sometimes it dissipates.

The second law is that any actual use makes some of it useless for other purposes.

The first law of life is that once begun, it must continue
according to the form of its embodiment
to consume, organize and dissipate the transforms of energy
according to its propensities.

Life is usually unusual. But
life is a zero-sum game.
Two dangers never cease threatening the world:
order and disorder.
Every local gain is a loss on the other side.
Vaulting ambition o’erleaps itself,
And falls on th’other.

Only time is eternal.
Embodiments of energy are temporary.

Are you sure?

a short essay in Content and Context (TS ·15) – it includes plenty of links you can use for more context or disambiguation.

As a companion piece, i recommend a podcast (‘Frankly’ #60) by Nate Hagens, where he asks the question “What (if anything) are you absolutely certain of?” – and lists 17 answers of his own. On Youtube it’s at

If you’d like to participate in a small-group discussion of this excerpt from Turning Signs, send Gary an email proposing a date and time that’s good for you, and we’ll see who else is available at that time, and i’ll send everyone a Zoom link for it.

For a while we had a series of regular sessions to confer about the chapters of Turning Signs in order, and we might revive that if enough people can make a long-term commitment to a regular time slot for this purpose. Let me know if you’re interested. Meanwhile we can try having single sessions on stand-alone points from the book at any time you choose.