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Turning Signs

by Gary Fuhrman

Turning Signs is a hypertext netbook about the process of meaning, or semiosis, which pervades all of life on Earth and beyond. It draws on many sciences, from the biophysical to the philosophical, to explore human relations with the more-than-human world. The first chapter gives a more detailed overview of the whole and the focus of each chapter.

Turning Signs can be read in many ways, online or off. A systematic reading would begin with Chapter 1 and proceed to the end of Chapter 19. Those chapters constitute the left-hand (obverse) side of the Contents list below. The right-hand side is the list of rePatches on the reverse side, which are in point form, nonlinear in structure and open to browsing.

Those who are unable to read from a screen are free to print parts of this book as specified in the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Those willing to read online at their own pace are free to use the embedded hyperlinks as a glossary or reminder of previous chapters, or to access other online resources. These include the parts of the netbook:

To read Turning Signs offline,

  1. use the link at the end of this paragraph to download the whole book as a Zip file (about 3 MB).
  2. Extract the contents from the Zip file to the location of your choice.
  3. open the TS folder in that location,
  4. then select and open index.html.
When your browser opens that file, you'll be reading the same page you are now, except it will be stored on your computer instead of the gnusystems website. Adjust the window and text size to your liking, just as you do with any webpage. You can also bookmark it. The Table of Contents below, and other links internal to Turning Signs, will work the same as they do online. Here's the download link:
[download Turning Signs 2.4.6], updated 8 September 2024.

  • Tip for searchers: You can search the whole book online, using the search engine of your choice (Google, Bing or whatever). Enter or paste “” followed by a space and the term you are searching for, and the result will be a list of the pages where the term appears in TS. Then you can open and search any of those pages for the term.
  • You can also subscribe to the blog, so that you are notified whenever there's a new post that day. You can contact the author through it if you have comments or questions.

    Creative Commons License
    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


    preverse ·0· Phenoscopy
    Obverse: Intimologies Reverse: Intimations
      1·  Beginning: Apocalypse
      2·  Dialogue and Human Nature
      3·  Guidance Systems
      4·  Here Comes EveryBody
      5·  Inside Out
      6·  Revelation and Concealment
      7·  Experience and Experiment
      8·  Consensus and Community
      9·  Model and Meaning
    10·  Circuits and Closure
    11·  Simplexity
    12·  Reality and Objectivity
    13·  Meaning Spaces
    14·  Communicoding
    15·  Context and Content
    16·  Practice and Performance
    17·  Self and Other Subjects
    18·  Turning Symbols
    19·  Creation Evolving
    ·19  Re:Creation
    ·18  Symbols Turning
    ·17  The Subject of Selves
    ·16  Dharma Pragmata
    ·15  Content and Context
    ·14  Comminding
    ·13  Meaning Time
    ·12  Objecting and Realizing
    ·11  Complicity
    ·10  Closure and Disclosure
    ·  9  Meaning and Modeling
    ·  8  Communing
    ·  7  Experiencing
    ·  6  Lightning the Dark
    ·  5  Outside In
    ·  4  AnyBody Thus Gone
    ·  3  System Guidance
    ·  2  Natural Dialogic
    ·  1  Apocalypse: Opening Time
    UniverseThe Point

    This book is dedicated to my best friend, beloved wife and gnusystems partner Pam Jackson.

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